European Commission has selected Euro4science 2.0 for the “Science is Wonder-ful!” event.

By септември 14, 2017Uncategorized @bg

Euro4Sceince 2.0 was one of the projects selected to be presented at the European Event “Science is wonder-ful” hosted by the European Commission in Brussels. Free and open to the public, the Science is wonder-ful! event aims to stimulate interest in and curiosity for science and research through a set of ‘edutainment’ activities, challenge the communication skills of the researchers present at the event, and bring together the researcher community with the public at large.

This 2017 ‘Science is wonder-ful!’ event in Brussels will present some novelties with respect to the previous edition. Indeed, the main event is split into two main activities: the 1st Falling Walls Lab – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions on 25 September at the House of European History and the European Researchers’ Night in the Parlamentarium, on 26 and 27 September with a myriad of activities to all as a launch event to kick off the 2017 European Researchers’ Night around Europe on September 29th..

During the ‘Science is wonder-ful! Event, Euro4science team will have the possibility to meet other EU funded projects and researchers in different domains in and outside the venue during 2 days. Be engaged in science and research!


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