A European Network of Forensic Sciences in Education was established with the objective to connect all schools and teachers using the Forensic Sciences Toolbox.

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The network

The European Network of Forensic Sciences in Education connects all schools and teachers using the Forensic Sciences Toolbox and it also groups all the stakeholders interested in this thematic.

Thus, the network displays a set of members ranging from the hubs, to the certified EURO4SCIENCE 2.0 trainers – Hotspots – and even potential trainers, so that all teachers who wish to learn how to use the Toolbox can easily find and contact a certified trainer nearby.

How does this network work?



The Hubs of our network are the E4S partners, which are the entities with the competences to train other potential network members on the use of the

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Forensic Sciences Toolbox.  There are 9 network hubs scattered over Portugal, UK, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, and Poland.

These hubs implemented the “train the trainers” 5 days workshops, where teachers had the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills to train other teachers using the Toolbox.

Hubs are identified on the online map with a green star icon.

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Teachers who have attended the “train the trainers” 5 days workshops, and their schools, further integrated the network as contact persons of local Hotspot,

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since they will then be prepared to train other teachers (at local and regional levels) for the use of the Toolbox in their countries, therefore generating a wide multiplier effect.

It is expected that a hotspot acts dynamically, keeping contact with the hub when necessary and actively looking to train other teachers.
Hotspots are identified on the map with a blue icon

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Affiliates are the teachers/schools registered on the network and identified by a hotspot that have the ambition to take the trainer of trainers’ course to

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gain competences to use the Forensic Sciences Toolbox, but still did not have the opportunity.
Affiliates are identified on the map with an orange icon.

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All the contacts of the of the Euro4science network database including certified EURO4SCIENCE 2.0 trainers are available on the Network Map, so that all teachers who wish to learn how to use the Toolbox can easily find and contact a certified trainer nearby.

If you are a teacher and you or your school is interested in getting involved in this Network, please contact us to find out where the next training workshops will occur. Membership to the network will be free of charge and schools will receive one example of the Toolbox (until the maximum available produced by the project).